Post-Soviet Studies
The project is dedicated to developing and redistribution of the local knowledge acquired through the research of different aspects of current post-communists conditions in Russia and other ex-socialist countries.
There is a certain urgency of doing this program now. We need to rethink and practice such phenomena as the comradeship, the specifics of decolonial development, the applied post-soviet hauntology, antifascist politics and the relations between body and territory.
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Presentation of the re-learning course of post-soviet studies at PoSoCoMeS conference, September 2020
Presentation of the Post-Soviet Studies project, School of Engaged Art at PoSoCoMeS conference (The working group on Post-Socialist and Comparative Memory Studies – Memory Studies Association Working Group 29 September. 16:30 – 18:00. The project is dedicated to developing and redistributing the local knowledge acquired through research on different aspects of current post-communist conditions in
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Ghosts-mutants. Between truth and fiction. / The comrade newsletter #2 – post-soviet studies during pandemics
This second issue of our Laboratory for Post-Soviet Studies’ comrade newsletter features various texts, images, and issues that we worked with during our last semester of classes. We were most interested in finding new ways to describe our own transformations and those of our habitat that would help us to grasp the past in
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(Русский) Кооператив распределенного сознания / Проект «Забота о зыбкой земле»
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Spring Semester 2020 at The Laboratory of Post-Soviet Relearning
Short Description of the Courses 1) Post-Soviet Sexuality The course on psychoanalysis The course is devoted to the study of the psychoanalytical approach to sexuality and the application of this optics to the analysis of cultural phenomena of post-Soviet society. Within the framework of the course, the post-Soviet period is considered as a unique moment
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Documentation of the exhibition at Rosa House of Culture 2019
Here you can see the documentation of selected exhibitions in the framework of the The laboratory of post-soviet relearning (LPR) (activities from January 2019 till December 2019)
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The comrade-newsletter of the School of Engaged Art relearning course #1
Editorial: Five Challenges That Make Us Think about the Post-Soviet Again by Dmitry Vilensky In your hands is the first issue of the newspaper put out by the recertification course on post-Soviet studies. It is based on works individual and collective, already realized and in-progress, as well as position statements from course participants. This
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The Comradeship with Unlimited Responsibility | A learning show-performance
Everyone knows that the basic concept of relations between people in the Soviet Union was based on the ideas of comradeship, which in a classless society should overcome all existing differences – gender, national, racial, corporal and others. Everyone became comrades on the way to a bright communist future. It can also be argued, as
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(Русский) видео трансляции лекций >>> весенний семестр 2019
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(Русский) Где я? Пространственно-историческое-телесное ориентирование на постсоветской территории | Цикл Лекции в Новой Голландии 2019
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(Русский) ЛИКБЕЗ: Список важных текстов и книг к курсу
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