Anastasia Vepreva. Lecture-performance in the exposition
Freedom died on the barricades,
Or about the impossibility of romanticism.

The romantic hero today founds himself the signs of a profound neurosis.
The conflict with society traumatizes him, making him feel useless.
A different world turns out to be a product of his panic attacks.
Passion and longing – bipolar disorder.
A romantic hero begins to be treated for a neurosis.
And ceases to be
the Romantic hero.
The artist Vepreva began to explore the theme of romance and romance when she studied at the courses of professional development. She enthusiastically rushed into the abyss of the studied subject, at first desperately criticizing him, and afterwards acting out a romantic hero, secluded among the fjords and got emvolved in love stories. However, at some point the game reached its limit. The romantic hero realized her neurosis, as well as the senselessness of all her actions. Neurosis has become a greater symptom of the generation than belief in some ideals. Neurosis and the desire to return back to the society and the normal life.
The result of the study was the space of disparate artifacts, where the assemblage point and the only actor is the artist’s person – a romantic hero, who is describing his neurotic path by her body and her words.
Videodocumentation (in Russian):
Анастасия Вепрева. Лекция-перформанс в экспозиции from chto delat on Vimeo.