The ninth dream of sewing cooperative’s collective body
Sewing cooperative Shvemy was born late May 2015 as nonhierarhical comunity that practice non alienated labor in such fields of clothing creating, activism, dansing and contemporary art.
We sleep and see a dream about marvellous future where no one exploits anybody, worker’s labor costs more than director’s labor, teacher’s labor cost as much as artists’ labor. It is a dream in which people overcame caste elitism of intellectual labor and the criterion of respect applied not according the profession, social status or education, but according the personal qualities of the person. This is a dream in which world took a step from the point where “Everyone is an artist”, to the point where “Every worker – is a person, and whether he or she is an artist or not – doesn’t matter.”
In this dream we spent eight months, occasionally waking up to visit a gallery, a clinic or a store, where we met face to face with reality asked us hard questions about our position in the fields of labor, activism and art; about our bodies’ posture during disease, in rented apartments, during search of food; about language which we used to talk to each other and to people who don’t sleep; about labor price, as ours, so as those ones who sew in the sweatshops of China, Cambodia, Bangladesh and other countries. Thus we want to invite you to our collective dream – an exhibition, which help us to answer on all these issues for ourselves and others. There will be both material things created by the cooperative and its participants, as well as the attempts of the verbal and visual understanding of our activities and processes taking place in our life.
Videodocumentation by Sergey Yugov (in Russian):