Anna Kurbatova
Born in Voronezh in 1990. Artist, cultural specialist, resident of Voronezh center for contemporary arts, member of “Petino” performative group.
Participant of 5th international public-art festival “ArtProspect” (2016), special project of 5th Moscow International Bieenale for Young Art (2016), group project of V-A-C foundation “Expanding space” (2015), regional and interregional exhibitions. Works in the techniques of graphics, collage, relief and video performance.
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One of the works done within the school – “I love you so much, but who are you?”.
Communication via bottle mail is doomed to rupture and distortion. Random addressee will receive a letter by an unknown time: chance of being understood or saved is insignificant. All the more notable any coincidence; the more evident the ruptures and distortions (which are much closer than the sea).